Get Schooled for Emergencies

We’re in challenging times! Could anything more happen? If prepared, we need not live in fear.  Competence breeds confidence.  Things can still be challenging, but manageable.

photo of child sitting by the table while looking at the imac
Photo by Julia M Cameron on

Many students are distance learning, and don’t have school earthquake and other drills.  It’s even more important to start thinking about how to prepare the family for the annual Great Washington ShakeOut.  The organizers have given thought to COVID concerns.  See

Washington state has a plan, a policy, a program for preparing for emergencies.  Check into all the information, including short videos and a webinar, at

1 min video

Excellent 2 min video specifically for Washington hazards

45 second video about COVID and a humorous two and a half min interview with the General

A 3.5 min video to share with kids

Webinar about being prepared during a pandemic

Is you family game for fun?  Utility Treasure Hunt

-What do you do when the lights go out, you spring a leak, or after an earthquake you smell gas?

Practice finding where to shut off your utilities, by making it a treasure hunt.  Pretend it’s dark, electricity went out.  First you have to find a light.  Next, find the fuse box.  Have a treasure, a challenge, and a clue taped to the fuse box.  Put the treasure in your treasure bag, do the challenge (find the fuse for the kitchen, for the living room, etc), and follow the clue to the next treasure:   You’ve just sprung a leak!  Find the water cut-off valve (you may also include turn off valves for the toilets and sinks).  Have a treasure, a challenge, and a clue taped to the water turn off valve.  Put the treasure in your treasure bag, do the challenge (turn off the water), and follow the clue to the next treasure: Shake it up, baby! (everybody shakes all over)  You just had an earthquake and you can hear a hissing sound, and smell the nasty odor of gas!  Find an applicable wrench, take it to the gas cut off, and pretend to turn it off (never turn it off except in an emergency and you smell gas.  Only the gas company can turn it back on).  Put your treasure in your treasure bag, and meet in the family room or kitchen.  Enjoy your treasures.

–treat:  gold coins, candy necklace and rings, if you like, or, golden fruit slices or raisins, popcorn or cereal Os necklaces, apple rings . . . get creative!  What would the members of your family treasure?





Photo by Julia M Cameron on

Masking Volcano Ash

Lava Clipart landform 6 - 800 X 500
Think Mt St Helens is done?  “The next Mt St Helens will be Mt St Helens.”

On this the 40th Anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, the issue of mask wearing is eerily reminiscent!

Here is a superb article about US volcanoes, and Mt. St. Helens 1980 eruption in particular, including a great video:

Here’s a site about NW volcanoes, including a great 5 min video by OPB, and links to understand volcanoes, fun volcano activities, and ideas to help you be prepared:

“Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!”