Shake, Rattle, and Roll

We’ve got a couple months til it happens . . . !  What?  The Big Shake Out–“the World’s Largest Earthquake Drill”.  Spread the word . . . at home, at school, at work . . . Schools have earthquake drills:  see if you can get them to coordinate with this event  Oct 17, 2019.

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Get Ready:

Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

Play a ShakeOut drill broadcast to help guide participants in their Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill, available on YouTube at to stream or at to download.

You can download drill manuals to help your organization plan the most successful ShakeOut! There are guides for a variety of sectors. See and for these documents and more!


All Shook Up?

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Each third Thursday of October is

International ShakeOut Day 

The world’s largest earthquake drill

— this year it’s October 17!

Here are 7 steps to prepare:                    in the next 2 months.

Try to get your home, school, work to participate–resources at: