If you missed the Date, it’s not too Late!

If you missed this year’s ShakeOut, you can still practice on your own, with family, and co-workers or at school–pretend practice anywhere, by looking around and imagining what would happen in an earthquake: wherever you are at (the store, the doctor’s office, on the street . . .), and how you could best respond. Even taking the time to think about it will help you have something to draw on in an emergency. Some valuable info I received and am passing on:

ShakeOut.org/resources for more information.

– Schools
– Colleges
– Businesses
– Non Profits and Other Organizations
– Government Agencies and Facilities 
– Options for Government Agency Participation and Outreach
– Healthcare

From the Earthquake Country Alliance:

Here’s a helpful series of videos, including for those with various disabilities:

YouTube channel:


Promotional graphic for FEMA's new Natural Hazard Retrofit Program Toolkit with LA skyline in back and FEMA logo in front.
Promotional graphic for Federal Alliance for Safe Home's new Buyer's Guide to Resilient Homes.

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