Before All Else Fails, Follow the Directions!

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Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on

Great Courses has a couple lecture series on preparing for Disasters, you can watch a trailer and look at the contents:

Since emergencies don’t always happen at the most convenient times, an under-the-bed stash of a few things is recommended (like something to protect your feet etc if things have crashed on the floor).  Here’s a game for a fun family activity:

-Introduce the idea that if an emergency happens, you may not be able to think as quickly and clearly as you would like or need.  Having things ready and easily accessible, as well as practicing, will make the experience less traumatic for all.  Emergencies don’t always happen in daylight hours, so it is recommended having a few things under the bed . . .

-Play “Ready Relay”:  For each bedroom in the house, have an under-the-bed bin with:  sturdy shoes and work gloves (in case of broken glass, etc.), hard hat/helmet to protect against things falling, flashlight/light sticks, We’re OK/Need Help signs, tape or band-aids to put the signs in the front window.  Occupants of each bedroom are a team.  Set the bins at one end of the room or house.  At the blow of a whistle, one person from each team puts on the shoes, gloves, and hat.; Takes the light, sign, and tape/bandaids, runs to put the sign in the front window, and returns to teammate(s).  Teammate takes over shoes, gloves, hat, and light, runs to retrieve the sign from the window, and puts all back in the bin.  At the end of the game, put the bins under the beds in the bedrooms.

-options to add to under bed emergency bins:  binder/folder/manila envelope with important docs; water bottle, snack or meal replacement bar or can; small 1st aid kit, sewing kit, TP, hand sanitizer, whistle, small notebook & pen; pair of sox, undies, sweatshirt and pants; bag or backpack to carry all and a couple plastic shopping bags for garbage or whatever.

–treat:  your family favorite lite delights, or, find something fun at

Just relaying the ideas, hope they are helpful–ST